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September 12, 2007


Chelle Y.

You sure read a lot. I used to do that, but now I do not have time. I try to at night, but then I am so tired, I just want to sleep! :) The only books I read right now are kid's books with my son!

Hey, I am reading Harry Potter (the sixth one). :)

Mark Caldwell

BERNARD CORNWELL made my 13 this week too.

Intersting list :-)


I have Shogun, Exodus and Hotel. I'll check out the others. Fun book TT again!
Thanks for visiting my IJmuiden TT.


"Max" sounds like an interesting book. Although I haven't read "Moviola", I did see a couple of the TV-movies adapted from it.


Goodly list! Would like to read Redcoat (I wear one as a re-enactor), and I could not read Shogun either! Happy TT and thanks for stopping by :)


Interesting list. I think we have a copy of Shogun hiding somewhere in one of our bookcases but none of us have read it.

The Nononsense

Good list! This week, like the others I'm getting my readers to know me a little better!

The Gal Herself

I remember thinking Moviola was a charming book when I read it, but I haven't thought of it in decades. Thanks for reminding me. I think I'll move it from my shelf to my TBR list.


Wow, quite the list. Obviously a serious reader!

Susan Helene Gottfried

Okay, Nicholas, you have an impossible number of books on your shelves. I am jealous, and I have a couple hundred on Mt. TBR!

Mary     Emken

Shogun I won't even attempt to read. Moviola I read quite a while ago. There's two books I've ordered. One is, Our Own Worst Enemy by Randy Larson. Read the reviews on it Nick. It made me cringe. The other one is, Loving Frank by Nancy Horan. It's what you would call a girlie Book.

Mary Emken

Lori what else do you do besides read;)Happy TT.


Garson Kanin...he was married to Ruth Gordon, was he not? Fatty Arbuckle lol! Makes me think of my old Commodore 64; you could make it talk and we thought it was WICKED funny to make it say, "My name is Fatty Arbuckle" cause of the weird intonation LOL!

LOVED Shogun!


Boy, some of these brought back memories! I loved Shogun...which made me think of Hawaii...which made me think of all the books I have with one word titles! Boy, I'm gonna be checking all night!!
Great TT!


More books for my reading list! Happy TT

Nicole Austin

You have so many great books! I wish I'd managed to keep more of mine over the years, but moves here and there have dwindled down my collection.
Happy TT!


Great list, Nicholas! I was astounded as I breezed through your list of books, how many there were with just one word in the title . . . here's the wacky part (there's always a wacky part) . . .

Then I realized the book I am writing has a one-word title, as well!

Ha. You caught me.

Blessings on your journey through the Thirteen!

Wylie Kinson

Ahhh... Haley's HOTEL was the reason I went into the hotel/resort business. Fond memories.

Friday's Child

Have not read any of them but they seem to be good books as they are shown on the cover. I know there is a saying, do not judge the book by its cover.
Thanks for the visit.


Hey, where's "Elijah"???

Love the Seagulls T13 tag; you did a much better job with the edit than I did!

mom not mum

I think the only one I've read was Hotel. Interesting list.


Always great to start the night off with a booklist. (I'm an hour behind from losing my entry TWICE. But I made it!)

Very nice list, I'm familiar with a few of the titles but not the content. So this time I get to feel left out. Now we're even. *grin*


Robin from Israel

I've always loved Exodus (and having Paul Newman play Ari in the movie version certainly didn't hurt). I'm with you on Shogun too, I tried, but it just wouldn't happen. Borrrrrrrrring.


Great list. I have read most of them and Shogun and all of Clavell's work have been rereads. I will need to get my hands on Redcoats. Your book lists seem to always recommend new authors and books for me.

Thanks, Ed

Elle Fredrix

Great idea.

I want to know how long your laughed for when this guy said that Lolita was monosylabbic.


Wow, another list of books and I have never heard of most of them. ;)
The only one of those I have ever tried to read was Rutherford's "London". But even though I love the city and I usually love very long books, this one I gave up on around page 350, if I remember correctly. Just couldn't get into it.
I've got Arthur Haley's "Hotel" lying around here somewhere as well. Might have to give that a try sometime.


I LOVE to read. Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier. You mentioned that you have a Lisa Scottoline book on your list to read, I really love her books. I think I've read all of them and I don't think I could pick one over the other.


You and I have very different book likes. My TT is here:


I have the book Hotel, but I haven't read it yet. I picked it up at a garage sale.


Thanks for stopping by. Happy TT!


I remember the show Hotel maybe I should read the book.


I am (not) ashamed to admit that I don't know any of these books, lol ? Want some German or French titles ??

Angela at mommy bytes

Lots of "Head" books. Cool list, thanks for sharing and visiting.


That's a great Thursday Thirteen! I'm afraid I've only read two of the authors you've listed (Cornwell and Clavell), but I've been meaning to check out Waugh. Is he of a similar style to P.G. Wodehouse?

My Thursday Thirteen:


*sigh* I envy you all the books you've read. From your list, I've only read Shogun. :o)


My father was an avid reader. I'll remember him fondly with a book always in his hands. He actually did read Shogun, and then passed it on to me. I don't think I got past the first ten pages.

Great list of books, I'll have to check some of these out.


That list interested me - I like it. I can't think of any single word titled books on my bookshelf.... but I will have a proper look later. Actually I can see one from here but it's a bad title to mention online(Hitler - but it's just a history book).


great list!
I'll have to check some of those ...


Thanks for stopping by my T13. I've got: Squire, Page, Abhorsen, and Parzival.


Wow!! You have a real awesome collection. I am tempted to read a few of them. Will try if I can lay hands on few of them.

Thanks for stopping by. Happy TT.

J. Lynne

I'm starting to suspect this is a very elaborate ruse by Amazon... ;)

Now I'm curious about "Sarum" actually. Hmmmm...

Matthew James Didier

Wonderful titles! Shogun was an all time favourite, but anything by Cornwell gets my vote!


Thanks for stopping by my TT this week. I have wanted to read London for a while. I think I might have to pick it up.


I must confess I only read Exodus out of your list. I read it for World Cultures class when I was in 9th grade. Pretty heavy reading for a 14 year old. We had to choose a country to do a report on and I chose Israel. It was so fun. We had to make a food from that country and basically report about the entire culture of the country. My other country I chose for that year was Argentina. It was an extensive study. We all learned so much from one another.

I love books. I was put in an accelerated reading class when I was in the second grade. I was going through books so fast. My teacher thought I wasn't paying attention until she figured it out that I was bored because I had read ahead of the entire class. :o)~

I see you are a very seriosu reader also. I love books. "So many books. So little time."


The only one of these that I have read is "Shogun." Now...I want to read it again. :-)


Excellent list!!!!

Thanks for stopping by. :)


What a very clever idea for a blog post! I've read a handful of these, and now you've got me thinking. Could I come up with a list of thirteen beloved one-word book titles? Will give it (the old college) try.

You might have titled your post simply, "Books." Cheers.


It is no suprise that I didn't read any of those books!! One of the first thing I look if I don'tknow the author is the tittle that need to get my attention!!


Thanks for stopping by - always nice to meet another avid reader. Of yours I have read Hotel, and Shogun.


Good list. I finished reading Scoop for the fifth or sixth time just last week. And I'm a big Tony Hancock fan.

Angela Klocke

Doesn't seem I've read a single one!

Wylie Kinson

Ha! And now you have 53 comments to beat! :)

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